Monthly Archives: August 2006



I’m behind on my posting of recent art so I thought I throw some pieces up real quick. These are some of the samples that I did for my last Technique Class. We worked with beeswax and the class turned out great. I looked around about 20 mins. before class was over and everyone was still hard at work, totally engrossed in what they were doing. That is a great feeling for a relatively new teacher like me. 🙂

This is the first piece I did with beeswax. It was done on an 8×8 canvas panel. I wouldn’t really call it done so maybe I’ll work on it again someday.

I cut pieces of chipboard for my students to work on so I did a couple of pieces here to make sure the surface was good. The chipboard absorbs a lot of wax but it worked great for learning. These two are both 4×4.

I did another piece in my book for this class. I’ll have to post pictures of that one later along with the samples for the previous technique classes.

Farewell my sweet

Farewell my sweet

This morning, I took my Persian cat, that I’ve had for 10 years, to the vet. For the past couple of days, she has been lethargic and I haven’t been able to get her to eat. The vet ran blood work and discovered that Carrie’s kidney’s were failing. She recommended an ultrasound of the kidneys so I took her over to a specialist. I also called my mom so she ran up and met me at the ultrasound place. We found out from the ultrasound that Carrie had Polycystic Kidney Disease. There’s no cure for this and it is one of the things that happen to Persians a lot. Carrie probably had it since birth and we were lucky that she lived to be 10. About the only thing we could do was give her IV fluid which would make her feel good for about three days. But, my vet felt that then she would be right back to where she was this morning. We made the hard decision to put her down and not prolong any suffering. However, it is just the tip of the iceberg for my suffering.


So… Goodbye my sweet fluff. I will miss all your fur and way you would lie down on my pillow at night and cover my face with it. I will miss you wonderful purr and way you would drool on my hand when I pet you especially well. I will miss your funny little meow and how you never learned to retract your claws when you jumped in my lap. The way you would use just one little claw to poke me and wake me up in the morning. But most of all, I will miss how you always seemed to know when I needed you and how you were always in my lap before I even sat down.