Tag Archives: Journaling

New Journal and New Class

New Journal and New Class

I signed up for another one of Mary Ann Moss’s awesome classes. This one is called Full Tilt Boogie and we are making different journals with antique photo album covers and old books. Mary Ann’s classes are full of beautiful videos with great information and, also, membership in a wonderful community of fellow artist and classmates. I think I signed up mostly for the community. I’ve made a lot of journals and I never get tired of the process. What I really need to work on is the journaling. I’m still struggling with a personal process that works for me. Anyway, here are a few photos of my first journal for FTB.

Inside 2
The covers on this journal are from an old Nathaniel Hawthorne book with a torn spine. I loved the marbled paper on the cover and thought it was perfect for this technique. The signatures are made from a variety of different papers from vintage ledger to new scrapbook card stock to watercolor paper. It ended up a little bit smaller than I would have wanted so next time I think I’ll add more signatures. If I ever get around to filling it, hopefully that will bulk it up.

New ROD Journal for Sale

New ROD Journal for Sale

I finally got a ROD style journal up on my Etsy site. It is a pseudo ROD because I added plain paper signatures inside the stitched cover instead of all the ephemera pages. I love those stitched, ephemera pages but they are a huge time investment. I wanted this journal to be quicker to make and more accessible to those who might not be ready for all those beautiful, pre adorned pages. I have all kinds of ideas for more covers and can’t wait to get a few more done for my shop.

There are a few more images on my Etsy site.

My First ROD Journal

My First ROD Journal

One of my favorite bloggers is Mary Ann Moss from Dispatch From LA. Her blog is always a bounty of beautiful colors, intriguing photos, and inspriation. I especially love the peeks into her visual journals. I’ve wanting to try my hand at visual journaling for some time and, lucky for me, Mary Ann offers a wonderful online class on creating journals like hers. So, I finally took the plunge and created my first Remains of the Day journal.


I plan to use this journal to cronicle our trip to Colorado this past June.


We had a wonderful time exploring the beautiful mountains with our very good friends, Steve and Meredith, and I’m looking forward to reliving the trip in this journal. Here are a few more pics before any journaling.


There are some more images in my gallery here: ROD Journal